Thursday, June 30, 2011

Future Challenges

This year Singapore Arts Festival had successfully came up with great variety of performances and activities to attract large number of consumers. The challenge for them for the following years to come would be sustaining their current standards and levels or performance. They need to think of new themes and ideas every year to keep their customers experience new and their performance fresh in order to continue to retain their customers and attract new ones.

However, statistics had shown that the attendance for 2011 was poor and is only 50% of their target. This might be mainly due to lack of a strong advertising campaign, the lack of attractiveness of the performance that are lined up as well. Another possibility is that the ticketed performances are too expensive thus many people think that it is not worth it to watch.

The venue can be another potential problem as they need to find a better and more accessible area to hold the event. Singapore is very small thus to hold a major event, it requires a spacious venue in order to host all their performances. If every year they held it at the same venue, it might not attract the consumers. Consumers seek for whole brand new experiences so that they will come back yearly.

The atmosphere of the event was not that great, and the mood of the nation was not hyped up. The participation of the event was generally poor thus failing to create the right atmosphere for the arts festival. This year event failure will create a bad reputation for the public and thus it will be challenging for them to attract them back to the event the following year. 

With the consistent and constant improvement of technologies, videos, pictures and information about art festival might be able to obtain from internet. This will decrease the participation of consumers as they would rather stay at home and watch it for free. They must ensure that they rule out the possibility of this factor happening in order to maximise the participation of the audience.


Booklet of Singapore Arts Festival 2011

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